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2020 Covid-19 ( New Outlook)

Two months pre Covid-19 the economy was thriving, businesses where seeing record months in sales, and people where enjoying their time out at restaurants, shopping, hanging out with friends, family and meeting new people.

Fast forward to March 15, 2020, an overnight shutdown due to an invisible virus hit hard, and affected everyone so differently. Families lost loved ones, friends became sick, and business closed their doors immediately to protect themselves and the community.

With crisis comes opportunity. A moment to slow down, regroup, and think about a new innovative approach to help your business and businesses in need. With time freed up, Cooper's Small Batch focused efforts on donating to Denver, CO communities first responders, A portion of online sales donated to, helping the hospitality industry, provided hot sauce samples to local restaurants for takeout dining, and learned so much more about the E-commerce platform, and how to elevate growth. It has been a challenge but the silver lining is: without this time, Cooper's Small Batch E-Commerce would not be doing as well as it is now, production/inventory would not be as healthy as it is now-meaning, supplying customers when they reopen will be done with ease and efficiency, and the team has been able to brain storm new strategies to grow our Colorado small business.

Two months post Covid-19, the economy is re-opening, retailers are ordering, new customers are knocking on the door, and Farmers' Markets, an essential business to the economy and Cooper's Small Batch is open for business! We understand it will take time to get back to normal........

We are truly blessed 🙏🏻 to have customers and partnerships who support us as we support them through this unprecedented time. We are thrilled to be back in front of people talking, meeting with retailers, and selling Cooper's Small Batch Hot Sauce and our newest product Cooper's Small Batch Spice Grinders.

Stay Healthy, Wear Masks, and Stay Spicy! #wegotyou

Cooper's Small Batch Team

May 17, 2020 (Opening Day)



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